Psychopedagogical Clinic

A safe space where therapeutic accompaniment
will be provided for both Bibliotech students and students from other educational institutions.

What areas do we cover?

Pronunciation, composition of sentences, vocabulary, among others.

  • The main objective of the language components is to provide the individualwith the ability to interact and express ideas.It is necessary to observe, listen and attend to any difficulties observed in the development of language.

Important skills in the development of daily life.

  • When we talk about motor skills we refer to the movements or actions of the muscles required to carry out an activity voluntarily. In the Psychopedagogical Clinic, we stimulate these involuntary movements or actions in order to learn a little more about the patient and how they learn.
  • Specific learning disorder with difficulty in reading, in written expression and/or numerical area.
  • ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and/or impulsivity.
  • Global developmental disorder.
  • Autism spectrum disorder.
  • Intellectual disability.
  • E
  • The patient recognizes their strengths and areas to improve.
  • B
  • Establishment of measurable and achievable goals and objectives.
  • Set up a safe place where you feel comfortable learning.
  • Improves self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Teamwork is established for the good of the patient.

Faculty and Staff

Work Areas

Through early stimulation , we seek to enhance the abilities of each child.
Strategies are provided in relation to executive functions useful for formal learning.
In addition, cognitive functions such as perception, attention and memory are exercised through playful activities.
Reading and writing: Through strategies and good practices we seek to develop in students speed, fluency and understanding of what is read and clarity in the spelling of what is written.
Basic numerical skills for school learning according to the grade of the student.
The student is supported in the school area where he/she is presenting difficulty so that he/she can overcome it, relying on his/her strengths and the appropriate motivation to want to learn.
Emotional intelligence for the identification, recognition, and management of their emotions.
Social learning for proper integration into the classroom, family events or any direct interaction with children their age or adults.
Motor skills important competencies in all learning and development of daily life.
Language skills and all its components (pronunciation, sentence composition, vocabulary, among others).
Curricular adjustments and access to content according to the special needs of each student.

Work methodology